The idea of the Journal was formulated by Belarusian community of political
scientists and analysts in 2010. It is conceived as an independent academic
BPSReview was founded by the Consortium of Belarusian (Political Sphere),
Lithuanian (Vytautas Magnus University and Instiute of the Gand Duchy of
Lithuania), Ukrainian and Latvian organizations, bringing together the
experience of a broad academic community and institutions devoted to
promoting and advancing research in political science and political analysis.
The Journal is being published in English.
Belarusian Political Science Review is a peer-reviewed political science
periodical that serves as an interdisciplinary publication for research papers
from various subfields of political science. The publication aims to meet the
needs of a broader academic community in scientific enquiry on Belarusian
politics and politics of Eastern and Central Europe.
The Journal publishes research materials on all key topics and related to all
approaches of political science without any methodological restrictions except
for reasonable scholar criteria. The regional focus of the Journal is Belarus,
Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia and Estonia.
General editorial policy: The contents of the Review are to be compiled of the
best articles published by Belarusian political and social scientists initially in
Belarusian or Russian through a year. The articles shall be initially proposed by
members of the Academic Board or any well-known scholars or analysts. The
rest of the contents are to be chosen through procedure of a general open Call
for Papers.
More information on the web-site of the Journal:
LITFARMA ir LDK instituto istorijos populiarinimo projektas
„Litfarma“ vaistinės reklaminiame leidinyje 2011 m. liepos ir rugpjūčio
mėnesiais spausdinami du LDK instituto paruošti straipsniai, kurių tikslas
populiarinti daugiatautės Lietuvos istoriją.
Liepos mėnesio numerio tema: „Kokios lietuvių antipatijos lenkams
Rugpjūčio mėnesio numerio tema: „Šveicarų menininkai, mokslininkai,
konditeriai ir fabrikantai Lietuvoje: pusės tūkstančio metų migracijos istorija“.
LDK ir Tičino (Šveicarijos kantonas) istorinių ryšių tyrimas
2010 m. kovo mėnesį pasirašyta bendradarbiavimo sutartis tarp LDK instituto ir
Lugano mieste registruotos kompanijos AGUS Capital management, kurią
atstovauja jos direktorius, Lietuvos garbės konsulas Šveicarijos Tičino regione
p. Gintautas Bertašius. Projekto tikslas – tyrinėti LDK ir Tičino regiono istorinius